Dysfunctional Sexual Response, Obsessions, and Sex Addictions
Have you ever asked yourself… “Am I normal?”
Many people believe that sexual responses are programmed into our physical bodies by nature. This is only half true. A good portion of your sexual response behavior is a result of your history, your self-esteem, and how your sexual responses were first awakened in your system early in your life.
When our sexual responses are not what we expect, we begin to feel as if there is something ‘wrong’ with us. The way humans respond to sex is just as different and varied as the way that humans grow hair. But if your responses make you unhappy or dissatisfied, how will you know if there isn’t something “wrong” with you? Who can be your reality check on what is arguably the most embarrassing behavior to discuss?
You need someone who has seen this problem before, who will not judge you, and who will have solid suggestions of reasonable behavior changes that will help.
Don’t questions your own sanity any longer. If you are reading this page, you probably have a sexual response situation that I can help you with, either in your own life, or in the life of someone you love. If you don’t prioritize your own sexual satisfaction, who will?
Learn More About Me
I’m a licenced counselor in both Oregon and Washington specializing in gender counseling and sexuality therapy.